Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service are running the Prince's Trust Team Programme and this might be an opportunity some of you may find useful.
The Prince's Trust Team Programme is a 12 week personal development programme for 16–25 year-olds which helps young people decide upon, and get into, their next steps in life; be that education, training, volunteering or employment. It also provides them with the opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications.- see attached Example Programme for further details.
Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service run courses three times a year starting each September, January and May and they are completely free to attend. You can see an example programme here:https://poole-high-school.schudio.com/files/documents/careers/PT_Example_Programme.pdf
For more information:
Text: 'TEAM' to 07500 066134
email: debbie.harvey@dwfire.org.uk