Welcome to PSHE and RSE

Through the study of PSHE - personal, social, health and economic education, students will gain the knowledge, skills and attributes to successfully manage their lives, now and in the future.

The key areas of focus are:

  • health and wellbeing
  • relationships
  • living in the wider world

Teaching and learning

PSHE and RSE lessons are delivered in Years 7, 8, 10 and 11 during timetabled lessons in religious studies.

For Years 9, 12 and 13 PSHE and RSE is delivered to students by form tutors as part of their tutor programme.


Updated: 25/01/2022 135 KB


Who do I contact for more information?

Mr J Preece (j.preece@poolehigh.poole.sch.uk)


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

  1. Rights and responsibilities
  2. Prejudice and discrimination
  3. Self-esteem
  4. Relationships and romance
  5. Family
  6. Substances and your body
  7. Substances and the law
  8. Puberty
  9. Personal hygiene
  1. Managing influences
  2. Smoking
  3. Young people and alcohol
  4. Substances
  5. Attitudes to mental health
  6. Promoting emotional wellbeing
  7. Healthy coping strategies
  8. Body confidence
  9. Dealing with change
  10. British values and human rights
  11. Tolerance
  12. Challenging stereotypes
  13. Consent and positive relationships
  14. Contraception
  1. Friendship
  2. Bullying
  3. Peer pressure and group think
  4. Risks of gangs
  5. Healthy lifestyles
  6. Importance of sleep
  7. Reframing negative thinking
  8. Pressure and influences
  9. Substances
  10. Drug risks
  11. Managing conflict
  12. Exploring identities
  13. Consent and YSPI
  14. STI’s


Year 10

Year 11

  1. Promoting emotional wellbeing
  2. Recognising mental ill-health
  3. Reframing negative thinking
  4. Influences – drugs and alcohol
  5. Drugs and society
  6. Pornography and relationships
  7. Contraception
  8. Healthy and unhealthy relationships
  9. Families and parenting
  10. Families and relationships
  11. Managing change, grief and bereavement
  12. Gambling
  1. Managing exam stress
  2. Recognising mental ill-health
  3. Importance of sleep
  4. Substance use and assessing risk
  5. Managing influence – festivals
  6. Basic life support
  7. First aid – bone, muscle, joint injuries
  8. Contraception
  9. STI’s
  10. Unhealthy relationships
  11. Cancer
  12. Extremism
  13. Divisive language

Year 12

Year 13

  1. Drugs
  2. Relaxation
  3. Cosmetic and plastic surgery
  4. Gender and identity
  5. Miscarriage and unplanned pregnancy
  6. Critical thinking
  7. Free speech versus hate speech
  8. Social justice
  9. Honour based violence
  10. Feminism
  11. Date rape
  12. Sex: readiness and encounters
  1. Climate change
  2. Toxic and positive masculinity
  3. Emotional wellbeing
  4. Drugs, festivals and parties
  5. Sexual health: STI’s
  6. Healthy diet: BMI and eating well
  7. Culture wars and media influence
  8. Online subcultures and extremism
  9. Sex and the media
  10. Controlling relationships
  11. Ageism and prejudice
  12. Cultural appropriation
  13. Tolerating intolerance


Parental Survey Results 2022

Forms response chart. Question title: 1. I think PSHE/RSE education is an important part of the school curriculum. Number of responses: 553 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: 2. PSHE/RSE topics taught in school can make a real difference to young people's lives. Number of responses: 553 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: 4. I understand and agree with the content of the PSHE/RSE policy. Number of responses: 553 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: 5. I am aware of the topics that will be covered by PSHE/RSE at Poole High School. Number of responses: 553 responses.