The media play a central role in contemporary culture, society and politics. They shape our perceptions of the world through the representations, ideas and points they offer. The media has real relevance and importance in our lives today, providing us with ways to communicate, with forms of cultural expression and the ability to participate in key aspects of society.

Media Studies is a popular choice at Poole High School as students study a wide range of media forms and products through the theoretical framework of media. Media products are also studied in relation to relevant contexts, and learners will study and apply a range of theoretical perspectives. Students will also develop practical production skills. The course will require students to work independently and be able to critique a range of theories and approaches. Success in the course will depend on the students being self-motivated and carrying out independent research.

Departmental Courses

A Level Media Studies

Media Studies Course Handbook

Updated: 14/04/2021 269 KB

A-Level Media Studies

Students will study a variety of products for Component 1 of the exam. The areas of study include: Advertising and Marketing; Newspapers; Radio; Music Video; Video Games and Film. Students will focus on the four areas of the Media framework which are: Media Language; Representation, Industry and Audiences. The products to be studied will include audio-visual products, posters, advertisements, music videos and radio shows.

Toward the end of year 1, students will complete their non-exam assessment which makes up Component 3 of the course. This component synthesises knowledge and understanding of the media theoretical framework gained through their studies. Students will create a cross-media production which will make up 30% of their overall grade.

In the second year, Component 2 will include the study of three media forms in-depth: Television, Magazines and, Blogs and Websites. Students will explore these media forms through close analysis, comparing the use of the media language and representations they offer in relation to relevant social, cultural, economic, political and historical context. Students will study the role of Media Industries in shaping media products as well as considering the way in which both mass and specialised audiences are targeted and addressed. The texts to be studied are: The Bridge; Life on Mars, Zoella and Attitude, Women’s Realm and Huck.


There are two external exams of 2hrs and 15 min and 2 hours 30 min (Component 1 and 2) and the submission of the NEA coursework.

Who can I contact for help?

Mr C Davidson (


Media Studies will provide the foundation for students to progress on to a degree at university in Media, Journalism, Marketing or any other relevant arts programme. It will also provide students with an excellent platform to launch a career in Marketing, Broadcast Media, Sales and Advertising, Journalism, Publishing, Research, Production and many other worthwhile and rewarding careers.