Key Stage 4
Poole High School continues to enjoy a strong trend of improvement. For the third year in a row, the P8 score for the school has consistently been well above +0.50. The school’s progress figure now stands at +0.54, which places Poole High within the top 8% of schools nationally for progress. With over 76% of our students achieving the benchmark grades in both English and Maths in preparation for level 3 study, this stands at over 10% higher than the national average. Over 25% of all grades in all subjects achieved were a grade 7 or higher.
Sixth Form
We are extremely proud of all of our young people, who have shown such dedication, tenacity and resilience over the last few years, which has culminated in so many successes both academically and personally. This year we again celebrate over 80% of our large Sixth Form progressing to university and we are pleased to announce that the trend in year on year applicants gaining places at the prestigious Russell Group universities is upwards. Courses this year that proved popular included Psychology, Law, Mathematics, History, Engineering, Computer Science and BioMed Science.
Our large school and sixth form enable us to provide our students with an unprecedented level of choice when compared to other local providers for post-16 study. All our courses are expertly delivered by highly skilled subject specialists.