JP Morgan Work Experience Applications
We wanted to remind you that JP Morgan's work experience applications are open today only!
Their Work Experience 2023 programme in London and Bournemouth for Year 10-13 students opened for applications this morning and will close at 23:59 tonight:
This programme gives a comprehensive overview of either the finance or technology industry and will introduce participants to our different business areas. Participants will have a chance to participate in seminars, interactive presentations, case studies and group exercises. It’s an invaluable opportunity to begin building networks and laying the groundwork for the future.
To apply applicants should visit our website: http://www.jpmorgan.com/workexperience on 20th October. Applications will stay open for 24 hours, meaning that applications can ONLY apply on today.
Applicants will be asked for a short statement giving reasons for wanting to take part in the programme, after which they will be invited to undertake a recorded video interview. We will then select our attendees from that group.
Think Ahead Summer School
We will soon also open applications for our “Think Ahead” Summer School programme in Bournemouth for current year 12 students. This programme is designed to give students a taste of what it takes to work in an international financial services and technology firm in a very interactive, project-based manner. Students will work in teams, with masterclass sessions throughout the week and then deliver their project at the end of the week.
Applications will be opening on the 18 November at www.jpmorgan.com/thinkahead and will close on the 25 November. Applicants will need to answer some written and video-based questions.
Degree Apprenticeships
Just to update you on our other programmes – applications for our degree apprenticeships with University of Exeter are open now, with interviews already starting for candidates who have applied early. Applications will close once all places at the assessment centres are filled. Details at www.jpmorgan.com/apprenticeship for our Financial Services programme or www.jpmorgan.com/technology-apprenticeship for our Technology Programme.
We look forward to working with you and your students. If you have any questions on the above please let us know.
The Emerging Talent Recruitment Team