On 18th October we will be hosting a Revision seminar for the parents of Year 11 students.
During this evening we will be running several seminars, as detailed below to offer further guidance on how parents can support their child on their Year 11 journey.
With this being year 11s final year and it being so close to the mock examinations after half term, we are anticipating a high level of attendance. We would therefore suggest arriving from 4.30pm for a prompt 5pm start.
Please complete this Google form to indicate your attendance:
Time |
Staff |
Topic |
5.00 – 5.10 |
Mrs Marchant Head of Year 11 |
Welcome |
5.10 – 5.20 |
Mr Lean Assistant Headteacher |
Overview of the examination season, key information for parents and students. |
5.20 – 5.30 |
Mr Melvin Smith Progress Leader Year 11 |
Year 11 journey:
5.30 – 5.40
5.40 – 5.50 |
Mr Derek Attrill Director of Learning Mrs Dewsnap Assistant Headteacher |
What can we learn from the RS results? Academic currency Mental health support and supporting your child with exam pressures |
5.50 – 6.00
6.00 – 6.10
6.10 – 6.20 |
Mr Colley Director of Science Mr Clarke Director of English and Media Studies Mr Miller-Pipe Director of Mathematics |
How to revise effectively |
6.20 – 6.30 |
Mrs Eden-Ellis Assistant Headteacher |
Closing comments |